Toko Kopi Tuku
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The OG es kopi: Toko Kopi Tuku is the first ever coffee shop to sell the first es kopi of its kind in Indonesia. Tuku was intended to be a “neighborhood coffee shop,” selling a variety of affordable kopi and the usual cappuccino, et al. The classic Es Kopi Susu Tetangga (neighbor’s es kopi with milk) — a mixture of iced latte, creamer, and liquid coconut sugar (gula aren in Indonesian) — became a hit. In 2017, Indonesian President Joko Widodo visited its Cipete store, which further propelled Tuku to its meteoric fame. There are 6 Tuku stores in Jakarta and beyond; including Cipete, Santa Modern Market, Karang Tengah (Lebak Bulus), BP gas station in Bintaro and Taman Jajan BSD.