A one-and-a-half hour webinar. It will consist of sharing sessions from mental health experts and advocates from Touch Cyber Wellness (TCW), Mental ACT Ltd. and the MLC on the psychology of cyberbullying, the consequences for its victims and what youths and families can do to stop cyberbullying in its tracks. In the weeks leading up to the webinar, the organisers will also be releasing a three-part video series based on anecdotes from cyberbullying victims. The videos will focus on topics like degradation, cyberstalking and troll accounts and impersonation.
Cyberbullying can harm our mental health and self-esteem, with virtual harassment having real consequences. How can youths and parents navigate this landscape, protect themselves from cyberbullying and prevent cyberbullying in the first place? This webinar will share resources and tools that participants can use to protect themselves from cyberbullying, as well as show the impact of cyberbullying on bullies and victims.
The event will be livestreamed on the Mental ACT Facebook page.
- Media Literacy Council – https://www.facebook.com/MediaLiteracyCouncilSG/
- SINDA – https://www.facebook.com/mysinda/
- Mental ACT – https://www.facebook.com/mentalactsg/
- TOUCH Cyber Wellness – https://www.facebook.com/TOUCHCyberWellness
- TRCYW – https://www.instagram.com/trcyouthwing/
- Mental ACT – https://www.instagram.com/mental_act_sg/