Mind HK is pleased to invite you to an informational and interactive session with Dr Kim Le, Founder of Australia’s CGI Clinic, and John Shanahan, Psychologist specialising in Children and Adults, who will speak on the mental health implications of of digital addiction on Hong Kong’s youth. 74% of children in Hong Kong spend over 2 hours glued to a screen (compared to 20% in the US and 47% in Beijing). Excessive use of digital devices can impact children’s behaviour and academic performance; moreover, more time spent using electronic screen products can put children at higher risk for both physical and mental health problems.
How much screen time is too much screen time? Are the WHO’s recommendations accurate? What are the mental health risks of screen time, gaming, and internet/social media use? What does having a healthy use of screen time mean? How do we manage our youth’s screen time, especially when digital devices are often used as educational tools? These are a few of many questions our speakers will discuss.
John Shanahan will discuss how screens engage us and the neurological and psychological underpinnings that cause us to get addicted. Dr Kim Le will discuss the impact of this and provide practical tools to effectively identify and manage excessive screen time, social media/internet use, and gaming addiction.
In a new set of guidelines, the WHO said that children under the age of 5 should not have more than one hour of “sedentary screen time” each day. Along with this, the WHO recently defined video game addiction as a “disorder.” It is our hope this event will help parents, educators, and interested participants better understand the mental health risks youth are facing in the digital age and how to better manage this.
Buy tickets here: https://youthmentalhealthdigitalage.eventbrite.com/